Our group companies are certified ISO and SOA
ISO 9001 Certificate N. IT03/0965.01 - Rev. 14 Certified since 17/12/...
ISO 14001 Certificate N. IT16/1037 - Rev. 4 Certified since 19/12/2016
ISO 45001:2018 Certificate N. IT15/1021 - Rev. 6 Certified since 28/1...
SOA Certificate N. 53430AL/10/00 (11/10/2021) - Category: Cat. OG1 C...
The AGCM (the Italian Competition and Market Authority) assigned to I...
Management and Control Organizational Model on 11/10/2024
The lintel on which the Organisation, Management and Control Model rests
Procedure for the Management of Reports (D.Lgs. 24/2023 - EU Directiv...
Impresa Donelli - Quality, Environment, Health and Safety Policy_REV.4
Impresa Donelli - Stop Work Policy_REV.1
ISO 9001 Certificate N. IT03/0965.02 - Rev. 15 Certified since 26/06/...
ISO 14001 Certificate N. IT17/0561 - Rev. 4 Certified since 19/07/2017
ISO 45001:2018 Certificate N. IT21/0025 Certified since 11/01/2021
EN 9100 - Certificate N. 00658 - CX Plant Certified since 05/09/2023
Donelli Alexo Cuggiono Enclosed Shop is now AMPP QP3 Certified Painti...
The MXP painting plant located in Ferno is now certified under the QU...
Donelli Alexo - Quality, Environment, Health and Safety Policy_REV.4
Donelli Alexo - Stop Work Policy_REV.1
Donelli Alexo - Quality Policy, Aerospace and Defense Division
ISO 9001:2015 Certificate N. CERT-04008-99-AQ-BOL-SINCERT Certified s...
ISO 45001:2018 Certificate N. IT20/0805 Certified since 08/10/2020
SOA Certificate N. 51657/10/00 (09/06/2021) - Category: Cat. OS7 Class V
Donelli Eos - Quality, Environment, Health and Safety Policy
ISO 9001:2015 Certificate N. IT268836 Rev. 1 Certified since 18/02/2010
SOA Certificate N. 4985/47/01 (27/10/2019) - Category: Cat. OS7 Class IV
Norsok M501 Rev. 6 (Systems: 1A, 1B, 2A-2B TSA, 3, 5A, 6A, 6C, 7, 9A ...
Impresa Donelli is qualified by EDF for corrosion protection of hydro...
Donelli Alexo (both Cuggiono and Voghera plants) is qualified by GE O...
Donelli Eos Ravenna plant is qualified by GE Oil&Gas for all corrosio...
In 2015 Donelli Bulgaria EOOD joint Bulgaria Chambers of Constructors