Heresite P-413 compliant to EN 45545-2 - Requirements R1, R7, R22, R23 - Events & Fairs - Gruppo Donelli - Gruppo Donelli

Heresite P-413 compliant to EN 45545-2 - Requirements R1, R7, R22, R23

Heresite P-413 now complies with EN 45545-2 “European Railway Standard for Fire Safety” for requirements R1, R7, R22 and R23 – hazard levels HL1, HL2, HL3.


It is with great pleasure that we jointly announce on behalf of the companies we represent, Heresite Protective Coatings LLC and Donelli Alexo S.r.l., that Heresite P-413 now complies with EN 45545-2 “Fire Protection on Railway Vehicles” for Requirements R1, R7, R22 and R23 – Hazard Levels HL1, HL2, HL3.

This achievement reflects both the result of a successful cooperation between our two long-standing companies in providing high performance anti-corrosion coating solutions and technologies dedicated to finned pack heat exchangers and our joint pursuit to keep this outstanding technology compliant to the latest EU Regulations.

EN 45545 Standard

In this particular case, our focus was the increasingly stringent rules that regulate the European railway sector (including high speed trains, regional trains and trains used for industrial transportation) in order to achieve the highest level of safety possible in the event of a fire.

EN 45545 has brought together a unification of fire safety standards in Europe to ensure the safety of people and equipment in railway applications:

  • Part 1 contains basic definitions and rules
  • Part 2 describes the material requirements (R) for the different hazard levels (HL)
  • Part 3 focuses on fire barriers

R1, R7, R22 & R23 - Product Requirements

A series of tests were carried out by RINA Services in Italy during the summer of 2021 on Heresite P-413 applied by Donelli Alexo on aluminum and copper samples. Tests included lateral spread of flame on building and transport products, determination of smoke generation by optical density, heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate, burning behavior by oxygen index and toxicity index.

RINA Services tests confirm that Heresite P-413 is suitable for these product requirements (see annex):

  • R1 - Horizontal / vertical interior surfaces
  • R7 - Interior surfaces of gangways/air ducts
  • R22 / 23 - Interior seals, inductor coils (chokes), coils and contacts

HL1, HL2, HL3 - Hazard Levels

Railway Cars are classified in accordance with the fire hazard levels (HL) based on their design and operation (i.e. how far the car is in a tunnel, and whether it is automatic, double-decked, or a sleeper etc.).

Three hazard levels exist (HL1 being the lowest requirement and HL2 and HL3 being the highest). Heresite P-413 meets all three levels of safety standards.

We have always seen our solutions and technologies as an energy saving factor in asset management and indirectly as a measure to protect the environment. At Donelli Alexo, we are now working on estimating the impact of our coated coils (versus uncoated) on CO2 emissions over the lifetime of the HVAC/R asset.

Whilst the railway industry may not be your main focus, this certification shows how Heresite and Donelli are committed to jointly responding to customer needs and tailor our products, technologies, certifications and solutions to meet your specific needs. If you have any questions about EN 45545 certification or HVAC/R coating solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Rina Services summary of results of compliance available for download here. Individual test reports available upon request.


HERESITE Protective Coatings, Inc. - 822 S 14th St, Manitowoc, WI 54220 – USA - Tel. +1 (920) 684 6646 –

Donelli Alexo S.r.l. Via F. Somma, 64, I–20025 Cuggiono (MI) – Italy Tel. +39 02 97240792 –

  • Rina Services Test Results