Donelli Alexo becomes a patron and contributes to making Italy more beautiful!

Donelli and the ART BONUS- Donelli has chosen to support the local artistic and cultural beauty by contributing to the restoration of Villa Annoni the headquarters of the municipality of Cuggiono.

Villa Annoni is an eighteenth-century jewel, a neoclassical noble complex that, in addition to the majestic palace, includes a walled park of twenty-three hectares, second in Lombardy only after the Monza  park and still a perfect example of that "English garden" that characterizes the eighteenth century. The palace was commissioned by Count Alessandro Annoni to Lepoldo Pollack and, after the his death, it was completed in 1809 by Giuseppe Zanoia.

The lateral wings of the Villa and the first floor were the object of restoration in the first decade of 2000 and house the municipal offices, the library, the council chamber, the civic band and the historical museum of arts and crafts. usable only in part, such as the greenhouse / lemon house and need to be restored and brought up to standard.The rooms on the second floor were made safe during the renovation of the first floor but need a complete restoration

Donelli Alexo  becomes a patron and contributes to making Italy more beautiful!