Industrial insulation works

Insulation works on piping, tanks, valves and equipment

Main contractors require nowadays an even more comprehensive service in the installation activities for power plants and petrochemical facilities, in order to minimize the time schedule and maximize the safety factor by avoiding interference among different sub-contractors, has driven our company to add in the last few years also an insulation department.

We are therefore capable now to complete our services with the installation of cold and hot insulation, saving both time and costs by using the same site organization, scaffolding, etc...

The surface preparation, anticorrosive painting, thermal insulation and often also the passive fire-proofing, are activities strictly interconnected and overlapped both in new and maintenance project, and the possibility to have a single source responsibility is a further guarantee for the Client.

The importance of the corrosion protection under thermal insulation has been highlighted during the recent years, requiring both specialized coatings and accuracy in the design and installation details of the insulation.

Even more important is to have compatible multilayer systems that combine the insulation with the fire-proofing in hydrocarbon fire environment with both Pool-fire and jet-fire protection.

The experience of more than ten years allows our company to install the best insulation solutions, with the correct choice of materials (either single or multiple layers), the design of the details (such as connections, supports etc…) and the use of highly skilled manpower used to operate in safety sensitive installations, such as off-shore platforms, chemical plants etc...

We install insulation materials such as:

  • Rock-wool
  • Ceramic fiber
  • Polyurethane foam
  • Elastomeric foam
  • Cellular glass
  • Syntactic polyurethane

The outer protection layers can be :

  • Alluminum
  • Galvanized sheet
  • Stainless steel (AISI 304,316,316L)
  • Polyester laminte
  • Polyethilene sheets

Our shop in Ravenna is equipped with up to date electronically controlled machine to cut curves, build boxes, bend aluminum sheets…

We have experience and references of new construction and maintenance insulation projects of:

  • Off-shore platforms
  • Petrochemical plants
  • Power plants
  • Factories
  • Potable water and skid insulation with cellular glass and aluminum foil
  • Polyurethane insulation of crude oil tanks
  • Passive fire proofing + insulation system on a vessel
  • Elastomeric insulation of vessels

Do you need more informations or an online quotations?