Enolitech 2014 at Vinitaly - Verona, 6-9 April 2014 - Events & Fairs - Gruppo Donelli - Gruppo Donelli

Enolitech 2014 at Vinitaly - Verona, 6-9 April 2014

ENOLITECH 2014, c/o Vinitaly The International Exhibition of Wine-Growing and Cellar Techniques & Olive-Growing and Olive Oil Technologies, 6-9 April 2014, Verona- Area L5 pavillion Enolitech

Donelli Group has attended for the first time at Enolitech, which will take place in Verona 6 - 9 April in a adjacent pavilion to the Vinitaly.

The fair has been an opportunity to show to operators in wine industry and oil industry, the technical innovations in the field of maintenance of tanks, autoclaves and production facilities, in compliance with regulations related to safety, health and environment.

More Information on: http://www.enolitech.it/index_en.asp

  • Internal lining with food grade materials
  • Concrete pool lining
  • Industrial flooring
  • Our stand during Enolitech 2014