Thermal Spray Aluminum (TSA) - Activities - Gruppo Donelli

Thermal Spray Aluminum (TSA)

Thermal Spray Aluminum (TSA)

The process of metalizing is a Thermal Spray coating with a projection of molten metal on a grit blasted surface to SSPC SP 5 – NACE 1- Sa 3.

We apply metalizing coatings of zinc, aluminum, stainless steel, used for corrosion protection of structures for highly aggressive environments by mean of the arc spray method.

This specific process allows for high deposit rates, high fusion temperatures and consequently high adhesion values even with high film thickness.

The system is than completed, where required, with a specific sealer that closes the pores in the metal coating enhancing corrosion protection and appearance.

Thermal sprayed coatings can assure protection in very aggressive services for temperatures above 200°C and in water immersion above 50°C.

Application range from erosion protection, to condenser tube-sheet and water boxes corrosion protection, to atmospheric corrosion protection in marine environment.

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